Your Back on Track Program

A programme for people who want to change something significant in their life and get themselves Back on Track. How to take stock of where you are now and leverage this with professional support to create the next chapter in your life. 

You get a structured way to get unstuck! I guide you through a process to get clear on what is the best way forward for you. I also help you to stop unwanted behaviours and replace them with behaviours that get you better results. 

This programme is particularly relevant to anyone who is unhappy in their current job and is thinking about a change of job or career or wanting to get back into the workforce after an absence. 

It also works well if you feel that you're not as effective in your job as you would like to be. 

You can join for either a 3-month or 6-month (recommended) period.

What do I get?

The outcome for you by completing this programme is that you make the changes you want. 

One-to-one professional supportaccountability and tracking of progress are critical if you want to make changes in your life. 

This programme includes all of this and more. You get a unique assessment of your strengths, a blind spots analysis, an enjoyment-performance analysis and a stress-reduction plan. You get online support as you go along via our app with guidance on how to develop yourself.

If you're considering a change of career or job, you get access to your own personal Career Navigation Dashboard where you can compare yourself against 700 careers. The dashboard enables you to carry out career analysis on specific careers to determine how you fit with these and what it is that you'd enjoy about a particular career. It also includes Career Development advice

All of these tools enable you to take important decisions about the changes you want to make. In addition, they support you in dealing with challenges along the way. 

How does it work?

We start with the Harrison Assessment*, the most powerful assessment tool for helping people understand what makes them effective and what is getting in their way. Based on these profound insights you quickly know what you need to work on. This ensures that the programme addresses the most important factors. 

Your first coaching session lasts two hours and includes a debrief of your Harrison results and the creation of a plan for your coaching programme. 

After your first session you get access to your own Career Navigation Dashboard. 

Then each month you have a one-hour Zoom coaching session with me and in between each session, you work on creating and then implementing your plan of actions. You can also email me with questions, comments or progress feedback and you have access to other resources via our app. 

I combine coaching and mentoring skills to guide and help you find what works best for you. I will explain the neuroscience behind what is happening and give you state-of-the-art tools to better manage your brain and get the results you want.

In this way, you'll get that crucial professional support, accountability and tracking to keep you on course.  

How do I join? 

You can pay in monthly instalments or in one full payment in advance. All fees include 21% VAT. If you have a VAT # please provide it when you purchase. 

Limited Places

There are only 3 new places available each month on this programme. 

The Harrison Assessment

*The Harrison Assessment is not a personality test. A personality test assumes that you cannot change and typically only measures between 4-10 personality factors. The Harrison Assessment assumes that you can change your behaviour once you understand it. This is validated by a branch of Neuroscience called Neuroplasticity. In contrast with a personality test, the Harrison Assessment measures 175 factors. 


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