Make Better Career & Study Choices

Welcome to Better Choices - Ensuring your kids make the best career and study choices!


One of Life's Most Important Decisions

Weā€™ll help you make informed choices so your kids get the best possible start on their study and career path.

Our Unique Career Matching Software makes Decision Making easier

We all want the best for our children. We want them to do well in life. We want them to be happy. We want them to avoid making the same mistakes we made. We want them to make good decisions. We want them to choose a course or professional training that they'll enjoy and that will lead to a great career and fulfilment in their life. And much more...

Transitioning from school to further studies or into the work force is a significant step in a person's life. In fact, decisions made at this stage can have an impact for many years to come. If in doubt, ask all those people who are unhappy at work or not satisfied with their lives. 

Anything we can do to reduce uncertainty and improve decision making leads to better peace of mind. Our Career Matching Software makes decision making easier for you and your son or daughter. 

Make better decisions

We work with so many people in their 30s and 40s who feel stuck in a job they don't enjoy and whose lives suffer as a result. They regret many study and career decisions they have made and wish they could've known then what they know now. Luckily, we've been able to help them get back on track. And, with Better Choices we can help people ensure they make better decisions from the beginning.

Reduce the risks

Getting it wrong can have a serious emotional and financial cost. A sense of failure affects our fundamental  human need to feel significant, competent and be liked by others. High tuition fees and living costs in many countries put additional pressures on parents and students alike. We help you reduce these risks. 

Build a strong foundation 

The next generation will have different career paths from their parents. It's predicted that this will include portfolio careers, several careers and working later in life. Therefore, being able to make informed career choices will become a vital skill for emotional and financial wellbeing. We give young adults the foundation for better career planning. 

Resolve conflicts 

Many young adults genuinely don't know what they want to do as a career. Their only reference point often is what their parents have done and this may not be what they want. Many others complain that their parents don't listen to what they would like to do or try to impose their own preferences on them. This may be about what to study, what to do on a gap year or that all important first job. Our services help resolve these conflicts. 

What you get for your money

We offer a Basic package made up from the following elements.

SMART Questionnaire

The Harrison SMART Questionnaire saves time. Lots of time! Due to its sophisticated algorithms it takes less than 30 minutes to complete. This is the equivalent of more than a day of traditional career assessment centres where you have to take multiple assessments - tiring, time consuming and often confusing!

Over 650 Careers

There are over 650 careers to choose from. The software matches each person against these using a variety of criteria:Ā their values; work preferences; thingsĀ they enjoy versus things they don't enjoy; what engages them; their task preferences; their interests; their work environment preferences; 15 workplace competencies.

Career Navigation Dashboard

With their own Career Navigation Dashboard users quickly and easily see which of the 650 careers they would enjoy most. They get general descriptions plus typical educational requirements for each career. They can even sort all 650 careers by educational requirements or types of career. All from a pc, phone or tablet.

Career Enjoyment Analysis

Most people are unhappy at work because they don't enjoy what they do. Why let this happen to your offspring? They can run up to 10 Career Enjoyment Analysis reports to learn what they would like and potentially dislike about a particular career that interests them. This analysis also shows how their strengths can impact their success in a role. 

Your Greatest Strengths

Many people are not sure what they're really good at or have difficulty expressing it. Yet, knowing one's strengths is essential in creating CVs, Resumes, and Cover Letters for courses and jobs. Playing to one's strengths is a great way to ensure enjoyment and high performance at work. The Your Greatest Strengths report enables them to do this. 

Career Development

The individual Career Development report provides advice and tips on what to look for in one's future careers as well as what to avoid. It also identifies areas for further improvement such as skills, abilities and competencies one might wish to acquire or improve upon. 

Advanced Packages

To the Basic package you can add the following additional elements for young people who need more support.

Blindspots Analysis

Knowing your strengths is an important part of managing your career. However, a strength can also create blind spots or weaknesses if it isn't balanced. We help them identify and deal with these blind spots. We also give them a unique way of answering that dreaded interview question: "What are your weaknesses?"

Stress Reduction Plan

Stress is one of our biggest challenges. Too much stress is not good for our health and can force us to behave totally out of character in various contexts. We provide insights into what triggers stress and how one can respond. They get a plan with tips and advice on how to reduce stress. 

Enjoyment Performance Analysis

When you enjoy your work you tend to perform better. Enjoyment is driven by 3 factors: you get to do things that you can do well and that you prefer to do; you get to do things that interest you; the work environment is conducive to who you are - this includes bosses, colleagues and the physical environment.  This analysis helps them to understand a wide range of factors related to their enjoyment and performance at work.

Online Tutorials & Templates

We provide them with short online courses and downloadable learning materials, templates, etc to help them get the most out of their career navigation system and make better career choices. They have the option to add one-to-one coaching for more personal support.

Career Coaching Sessions

They have the option to have live online career coaching sessions with one of our experienced and certified coaches. A coach can support a young person in reaching their goals. A first session lasts 2 hours and explains in detail how to interpret their career reports, their career enjoyment analysis and how to recognise their blind spots. This initial session can be followed with shorter career planning sessions.

Personal Development Plan

We often have a behavioural trait or a competency that we need to develop to be able to perform better at work. Young people can choose an area to work on and we'll give them a detailed Personal Development Plan to follow to get there. 

Upgrade your Package

You can easily upgrade from your starting package to the next level or add features to your existing package such as specialised competency analyses for Emotional Intelligence; Collaboration; Leadership.

Retake the Questionnaire

Your experiences during your studies or your fist jobs will have an impact on one's development and evolution as a person. We provide an option to retake the SMART Questionnaire at any time within 3 years from taking it first. 

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Choose the Best Package for your Child

Choose the option that's right for you now. You can easily upgrade to other options or add features later. All prices include VAT.



SMART Questionnaire

Online Career Dashboard

Over 650 Career Options

10 Career Analysis Reports

Greatest Strengths Report

Career Development Report




SMART Questionnaire

Online Career Dashboard

Over 650 Career Options

10 Career Analysis Reports

Greatest Strengths Report

Career Development Report

Enjoyment-Performance Analysis

Blind Spots Analysis

Performance under Stress Analysis

Stress Reduction Plan

1 Career Coaching Session




SMART Questionnaire

Online Career Dashboard

Over 650 Career Options

10 Career Analysis Reports

Greatest Strengths Report

Career Development Report

Career Planning Templates

Enjoyment-Performance Analysis

Blind Spots Analysis

Performance under Stress Analysis

Stress Reduction Plan

3 Career Coaching Sessions

Personal Development Plan

Retake Questionnaire


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that we have not answered below please contact us

The Harrison Assessment was developed in the 1990s by Dr Dan Harrison to help individuals and organisations ensure that people are matched to the best jobs for them. It measures 175 unique job-related factors and traits that help predict job performance. Its research-based job templates are based on the characteristics of high performers in any given role. It is used by top Universities, Schools and Organisations around the world. 

No. A Personality Test cannot predict job match or job performance because it doesn't measure enough relevant factors. A Personality Test generalises and applies a limited number of attributes (4-10) to all jobs and does not take into account contextual variables, work styles, values and motivators or individual work preferences e.g. an individual's task preferences, interests or the work environment. By measuring 175 relevant work-related factors the Harrison Assessment consistently outperforms any personality test. 

Personality Theory assumes that our personality is fixed. However, we can change behaviour. The Harrison Assessment shows a person how to change behaviours so they can grow and develop and reach their true potential. 

You can take the Harrison Assessment in over 40 languages, which include most main European ones. 

Currently, you can receive your reports and coaching debriefs in 25 languages.

In countries such as Belgium, which are multilingual, this includes French, Flemish and German. 

Yes. Any Educational Establishment wishing to take the Harrison Career tools in-house can get their own easy-to-operate Harrison Counseling System. With some basic training and a small investment they can then administer the entire Career Counseling System for their students. 

In multilingual countries such as Belgium the Career Counseling System is available in the local languages: French, Flemish and German. 

Contact us for more details. 

Yes. If you're a Career Counselor with minimal training and investment you can obtain your own Harrison Career Counseling System.

In multilingual countries such as Belgium the Career Counseling System is available in the local languages: French, Flemish and German. 

Contact us for more details. 


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